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email missing assignments to CLEARLY labelled. Missing assignments are due Wednesday by 10am in order to be included on Term 3 report cards.



​Create  a PowerPoint (or some other presentation-software-based file) and make a title page for Photo Composition.

download composition criteria HERE


Photo Challenge - No People

Take a bunch of photos that have no people in them and hand in your best by February 3. Your photo will be graded out of 20 for subject matter, composition, technical quality and storytelling.



Explore any buildings around you and experiment with angles to try to capture something unique. Hand in your best shot.


18 Different Ways

Find an object that is not a cylinder. You are looking for something with angles that you can take 18 completely different shots of. Only one of your photos can show the entire object (do not walk around something taking a series of pictures). The goal is to get close and take abstract shots.



Click HERE to get the instructions for this assignment. If you do not have rope/twine/string, you can use anything else that you think will work.


It's a Plastic World

Find an object that is not a cylinder. You are looking for something with angles that you can take 18 completely different shots of. Only one of your photos can show the entire object (do not walk around something taking a series of pictures). The goal is to get close and take abstract shots.


Research links:



Assignment file:



Final Image for It's a Plastic World

Take a photo that represents your interpretation of the the theme It's a Plastic World and hand it in.


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