Big History Project - second year
Last year was the inaugural Big History Project start for me. Into my second year now, and I've learned a lot about how to link current events, historical timelines, and scales of our universe to date. Facilitating students in their thinking about our role on this planet is the ultimate goal.
There is a lot of fodder both in the BHP curriculum and in the daily science, historical, current event - laden universe. We could talk about these events for days and they are relevant to teens. the story of Easter Island is still developing as scientists discover that rats may have actually had a role in the eventual extinction of this community and that rats may NOT have been to blame for the plague. How exciting that we are right in the middle of history as it unfolds and is changed by new perspectives and science!
Students will have to start being more engaged with current events in order to find out these kinds of stories on their own. That is one of the best ways to start piecing personal values and ethics together with knowledge and claims testing.