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Poetry Games

Magnetic Poetry

Write a poem on any one of these sites and email it to me. Look above for my email.


Please type up the following poems/activities and hand them in stapled together:


1. Write about your relationship with poetry

2. Write a poem using 10 words from your novel

3. Write a personification poem using two poetic devices from the poetic devices link above (in the poetry category)

4, Write a min. 5 line poem about the last person you texted.

5. Write a magnetic poem (see info to the right and email it to me. Type it up as well to hand in.

6. Write a bad poem OR a poem of your choice.

7.Write a quiet poem and include two poetic devices from the link above.


-must be at least 6 lines

-must make sense

-creativity counts!

-create mood, imagery (pictures)

-use at least one poetic device (see poetic devices page)

All poetry due January 22

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